
New Business Achieves Annual Sales of 100 Million Through SEO Strategies|Shigen Corporation

New Business Achieves Annual Sales of 100 Million Through SEO Strategies|Shigen CorporationShigen Corporation, based in Tama, is a company specializing in the manufacturing of kitchen car boxes and mobile vending vehicle boxes.

The company, preferring to handle all business operations in-house, had their staff create their website.

We present a case study where technical support in SEO measures helped grow a site’s revenue from several tens of millions of yen annually to over 100 million yen.



Client’s Background and Request

In September 2021, they contacted us as part of a new business venture in kitchen car manufacturing. Despite having created their website, they were unsuccessful in attracting site traffic and sought an SEO company.

They chose us, Tokyo SEO Maker, impressed by our first-page ranking for ‘SEO’ searches. Initially, all their keywords were unranked, and they hoped to improve their search result rankings.


Client’s Challenges

  • All keywords were unranked in search results
  • Need to select keywords and improve ranking
  • A website created but ineffective in web acquisition

Key Points and Strategies of the SEO Campaign

  1. Formulation of Keyword Strategy
  2. SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis
  3. Content SEO and Content SEO Guidebook
  4. Off-page SEO (Link Building/SEO External Measures)


Formulation of Keyword Strategy

First, we determined which search queries would increase session numbers and formulated a keyword strategy. We outlined keywords from Phase 1 to Phase 3 for a long-term SEO strategy.


SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis

fter selecting keywords, we created a diagnostic report to optimize the site for each keyword. The 30-page report contained detailed SEO techniques, including title and meta description modifications and instructions for building internal links.

Content SEO

A key aspect was content SEO. We provided one content article per month, targeted at specific keywords. We created a mind map of keywords and prepared content targeting those keywords for upload.


Off-Page SEO (SEO External Measures)

Initially, the site had no external links. We then acquired links from media operated by companies specializing in owned media. The site began to rank higher after acquiring about eight backlinks. A balanced approach between internal and external SEO measures led to improved rankings.


Post-SEO Campaign Results

  • ‘Kitchen Car Manufacturing’ rose from unranked to 5th by October 2021
  • Annual revenue increased from several tens of millions of yen to over 100 million yen
  • Session numbers more than doubled
  • Monthly conversion numbers more than doubled


Ranking Fluctuations

SEO Ranking Performance The site began SEO measures in January 2021 and ranked in the 30s in less than a month. However, rankings plateaued in the 30s for three months.


Subsequently, we added a 15,000-word content piece on ‘Kitchen Car Manufacturing’ and acquired external links. The content effectively worked, and by June 28th, the site achieved 7th place, entering the first page of search results. Within six months of starting SEO measures, it ranked within the first page.

SEO Ranking at 5th Position The ranking continued to improve steadily to 5th place. A site internal renewal could lead to achieving first place (SEO measures continued with the current site layout due to budget constraints).


Client’s Testimonial

We have entrusted our site’s SEO measures to Mr. Amano. He visits us once a month for web acquisition consulting and lectures. Despite the age difference, we have developed a long friendship. Within half a year to a year, our ‘Kitchen Car Manufacturing’ site ranked within the top 5 through SEO, and within a year of starting the business, our annual revenue exceeded 100 million yen.’ (Shigen Corporation Chairman, Mr. You Tsukiji)


From the SEO Consultant

Content SEO was key to our success. We created a keyword mind map, extracted related words for kitchen car manufacturing, and analyzed the headings of 20 competitors’ sites. We successfully created top-ranking content through detailed directions to writers on content structure and SEO writing.



Supervised by

SEO Consultant

Takeshi Amano, CEO, Admano Co., Ltd.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, Takeshi Amano worked for an advertising agency for 12 years before encountering SEO. He began researching SEO during the early stages of its development and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. He founded his own company and is currently in his 11th year of operation. Takeshi handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (Google Analytics Individual Qualification holder), coding, and website creation. The company has been involved in SEO for over 2,000 websites to date.


