
Search Engines in Japan

Search Engine in japan


In this article, we will explain about search engines, SEO, and SEM in Japan.



search engine in Japan

The most frequently used search engine in Japan is Google, closely followed by Yahoo. Younger people tend to use Google, while older generations lean towards Yahoo. However, many young people also use Yahoo, necessitating consideration of both for SEO and listing ads. The choice between Google and Yahoo! Japan often comes down to personal preference.

Originally established in the United States and then introduced to Japan, Yahoo has closed its doors. However, Yahoo! Japan continues to operate and is a critical site for nearly all Japanese internet users. Recognized and used as a search engine, it also garners significant traffic for Yahoo Auctions, Yahoo Shopping, and Yahoo News, making it one of Japan’s major platforms.

However, since Yahoo uses Google-based search engines, the search results are generally the same. This means that if your SEO strategy works for Google, it should suffice.

There are two important points to note: Yahoo’s use of Google as a search engine is only guaranteed until March 2025, and there is another search engine, Bing.

It’s uncertain whether Yahoo and Google will renew their partnership or if a new search engine will be introduced beyond March 2025. This means the concept of Google-focused SEO could significantly change in the future.

Additionally, while Google and Yahoo dominate over 90% of the market share in Japan, Microsoft Bing, with the introduction of ChatGPT, has been increasing its share. Bing, offering different search results than Google, may become a significant third search engine in the future.

In Japan, mobile users are numerous, with virtually the same number of internet users as mobile users. Mobile search traffic is substantial, with some sites seeing over 80% mobile users. Approximately 60% of Japanese people use iPhones, but Google remains the dominant search engine for mobile, necessitating consideration of web ads, SEO, and site UI/UX for mobile users.


SEO and SEM in Japan


In Japan, the most cost-effective and successful strategy for attracting customers is arguably SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Of course, this depends on the service and industry, but when looking at the entirety of web marketing, SEO invariably sits at the core of strategies. Many companies create owned media or corporate websites and implement content-based SEO strategies to drive traffic. Other web marketing strategies often work best when integrated with SEO.


The SEO market in Japan is expanding, and as of 2023, it’s valued at over 70 billion yen. Success in SEO is a critical factor for foreign companies in Japan.


As for SEM (Search Engine Marketing), it’s employed before SEO gains traction, often doubling as a form of test marketing. In Japan, both Google listing ads and Yahoo! listing ads are equally important. Ads are first run as text advertisements, followed by retargeting users who have visited the site with display ads. The key to successful retargeting lies in using Japan-specific banner designs and high-quality landing pages (LPs), necessitating continuous A/B testing.


Particularly, since the design preferences and receptiveness of Japanese and foreigners can differ significantly, care must be taken not to simply transfer designs from your home country, as they may not resonate with the Japanese audience.



In Japan,Google and Yahoo are the leading search engines. but Yahoo’s reliance on Google results may change after March 2025. Mobile users are significant, with Google dominating on mobile. SEO is vital, with the Japanese market valued at over 70 billion yen. SEM is used for testing and includes Google and Yahoo listing ads, with a focus on Japan-specific designs. Careful consideration is needed for design preferences when targeting the Japanese audience.


Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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