
What is GPT-5? Explaining Release Date Estimates and Benefits


In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), advancements are happening rapidly every day. Amidst this, the emergence of GPT-5 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 5) is garnering attention.

GPT-5 represents a further evolution from its predecessor, GPT-4, delivering enhanced performance in natural conversation and text generation across various domains. Developers and researchers are gearing up to apply GPT-5 in refined content generation, information retrieval, market innovation, education, and more.

Various predictions are circulating about the release timing of GPT-5, and those significantly impacted by it are keeping a close eye on developments. This article delves into the anticipated release date and the merits of GPT-5.


What is GPT-5?

GPT-5, operated by the renowned “OpenAI,” is the latest AI model equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

As of the time of writing this article (November 2023), the latest AI model by OpenAI is “GPT-4.” Therefore, GPT-5 refers to a future version that has not yet been released.

The timeline of ChatGPT versions and their release dates are as follows.

Version Name / Release Date 

GPT-1 June 2018 

GPT-2 February 2019 

GPT-3 June 2020 

GPT-3.5 March 2022 

GPT-4 March 2023 

GPT-5 Estimated 2024–2025

While the official release date of GPT-5 has not been announced, it is anticipated to occur between 2024 and 2025.

Differences from GPT-4

The flagship ChatGPT version, GPT-4, announced in March 2023, introduced significant updates compared to its predecessors.

Evolution from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4 included;

-Expansion of supported text length from 1,500 words to 25,000 words 

-Support for advanced program code generation 

-Advanced translation capabilities for all languages 

-Support for advanced content creation such as novels and essays 

-Integration of image display capabilities 

These enhancements led to significant improvements in usability and practicality, earning high praise for its singularity.

However, GPT-5 deviates from text generation and ventures into;

-Image and video processing 

-Individual data input 

-Emotional responses 

-Integration as the powerhouse for humanoid robots

It is forecasted that GPT-5 will have the ability to adapt to various needs, such as specific individuals, industries, or tasks. With improved customization capabilities, it will be easier to use in ways that cater to a more diverse range of needs.

GPT-5 Trademark Application in July 2023

In July 2023, reports surfaced that OpenAI officially applied for the trademark of “GPT-5” with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This move intensifies the likelihood of the current flagship, “GPT-4,” being upgraded to the more convenient and practical “GPT-5.”

The main contents of the trademark application include

Downloadable software for language models 

-Software for automatic generation of text and speech 

-Downloadable computer programs for understanding and generating natural language

As of now, OpenAI has not disclosed specific details about GPT-5, so the exact update contents remain uncertain.

However, current trends, particularly those seen by American IT giant “META” and others, suggest a preference for audio and video over text. In response, OpenAI is expected not only to continue text generation but also to explore the potential for supporting audio and natural language.

Expected release of GPT-5? [2024–2025]

While there is no definite information about the release date, ongoing research and development indicate a high likelihood of it appearing within the next few years.

Anticipated Updates with GPT-5

Updates expected to include GPT-5;

-Ability to input individual information and data 

-Handling of various content types like videos 

-Capability for behavior with emotions 

-Potential to bring about changes across various markets 

-Possibility of integration as the powerhouse for humanoid robots

Individual Information and Data Input

In GPT-5, the ability to input individual information and data is anticipated. At the current stage, ChatGPT cannot provide personalized responses tailored to individuals, such as family composition or hobbies.

However, ChatGPT currently offers developers an API called “Fine-Tuning.” This allows users to input desired data or information into ChatGPT. 

For instance, inputting data like family composition, relationships with friends, occupation, or hobbies enable ChatGPT to provide more intimate responses.

GPT-5 is expected to leverage this technology, potentially behaving like a secretary by managing users’ schedules. It’s also anticipated to act as a virtual assistant akin to family members, offering advice on real human relationships and love.

Handling Content like Videos

While GPT-4 showcased significant advancements in text generation, translation, programming, and image handling, GPT-5 is predicted to evolve its capabilities to handle content like videos.

Specifically, there is a high possibility of incorporating a feature to “create videos based on text information.” For example, inputting “a penguin drawing” could instantly generate a corresponding GIF animation.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, previously expressed excitement about the potential of video content, noting that learning from video content is often easier than from text.

Currently, AI models exist that generate images and videos based on text information. Considering the CEO’s stance, the likelihood of GPT-5 incorporating such functionality is very high.

Capability for Behavior with Emotions

GPT-5 is expected to enable behavior with emotions. The update from GPT-3 to GPT-4 saw a staggering increase in parameters (data volume), approximately 160 times more. Hence, it’s anticipated that the update from GPT-4 to GPT-5 will feature an equivalent or greater increase in parameters.

With a significant increase in parameters, GPT-5 is expected to;

-Achieve personalization for individuals 

-Handle not only text and images but also videos and 3D data 

-Realize behavior with human-like “emotions” 

Completion of an AI model with emotions will lead to a more human-like AI model. This means characters in RPG games will not repeat the same lines repeatedly, and sports game commentary will resemble that of real humans more closely.

Bringing about Transformation across Various Markets

GPT-5 is predicted to bring about significant transformation across all markets, with particular focus on the finance, healthcare, and scientific sectors.

In the healthcare sector, for instance, there is already an AI (“A”) capable of detecting diseases by reviewing X-ray images, which is considered more accurate than physicians. Additionally, GPT-4, currently released, possesses the intellect to pass bar exams and medical exams.

Given the extensive data available in the chemical field, AI is highly likely to replace certain experiments. Furthermore, in the finance sector, data accumulation is expected to enhance trading algorithms and strengthen measures against fraud and risks.

Potential Integration as the Powerhouse for Humanoid Robots

GPT-5 is also anticipated to be integrated as the powerhouse for humanoid robots. This means GPT-5 could serve as the brain of robots, capable of receiving user commands and engaging in conversations.

OpenAI’s investment of $23 million in March 2023 in a company called “1X,” which develops humanoid robots, serves as evidence. With such backing, the day when robots walk on two legs like humans, performing household chores and tasks, might not be far off.

The extent of functionalities that the upcoming GPT-5 will realize remains unknown at this stage. However, with AI models embedded in humanoid robots:

-Shortages in the caregiving industry could be alleviated. 

-They could replace security guards in offices. 

-They could detect the contents of refrigerators and cook automatically. 

-They could autonomously clean homes or offices.

Moreover, the market size for humanoid robots is projected to reach ¥4 trillion by 2032. Currently, not only OpenAI but also automotive giant Tesla and others are aggressively pursuing humanoid robot development.


Given that GPT-5 symbolizes the evolution of the latest natural language processing technology, its arrival has garnered high expectations. While the release date is yet to be confirmed, there’s no doubt that it will open up new possibilities in the AI ​​​​field within the next few years. The benefits of this new model extend beyond text, including advanced understanding and generation capabilities of natural language, 3D data, and videos, as well as flexible customization tailored to individuals and companies’ data. This promises not only advancements in content creation but also potential applications, particularly in fields like healthcare, science, and finance. The advent of GPT-5 will undoubtedly bring technological innovations to our daily lives and work. As we eagerly await its release, let’s stay tuned to future technological trends.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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